Code: 2171 50x50
Lining 2171 50 x 500.76 Eur without VAT
(0.92 Eur with VAT)
Soft foam base in a box. It consists of two layers (white and black) - the user can choose which one will be facing up.
Code: 2101 50x50
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a full description and parameters
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 52 x 52 mm.
Code: 2171 50x50
Lining 2171 50 x 500.76 Eur without VAT
(0.92 Eur with VAT)
Soft foam base in a box. It consists of two layers (white and black) - the user can choose which one will be facing up.
Code: 2106 50x300
Plastic box type 2106 (35 x 52 x 302 mm)2.64 Eur without VAT
(3.19 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 52 x 302 mm.
Code: 2110 100x150
Plastic box type 2110 (35 x 102 x 152 mm)3.44 Eur without VAT
(4.16 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 102 x 152 mm.
Code: 2108 100x50
Plastic box type 2108 (35 x 102 x 52 mm)1.56 Eur without VAT
(1.89 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 102 x 52 mm. Color red RAL 3020 or blue RAL 5015.
Code: 2109 100x100
Plastic box type 2109 (35 x 102 x 102 mm)2.64 Eur without VAT
(3.19 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 102 x 102 mm.
Code: 2107 50x350
Plastic box type 2107 (35 x 52 x 352 mm)2.91 Eur without VAT
(3.52 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 52 x 352 mm.
Code: 2111 100x200
Plastic box type 2111 (35 x 102 x 202 mm)4.20 Eur without VAT
(5.08 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 102 x 202 mm.
Code: 2112 100x250
Plastic box type 2112 (35 x 102 x 252 mm)4.87 Eur without VAT
(5.89 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 102 x 252 mm.
Code: 2114 100x600
Plastic box type 2114 (35 x 102 x 602 mm)8.67 Eur without VAT
(10.49 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 102 x 602 mm.
Code: 2115 150x50
Plastic box type 2115 (35 x 152 x 52 mm)1.92 Eur without VAT
(2.32 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 152 x 52 mm.
Code: 2116 150x100
Plastic box type 2116 (35 x 152 x 102 mm)3.44 Eur without VAT
(4.16 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 152 x 102 mm.
Code: 2122 200x50
Plastic box type 2122 (35 x 202 x 52 mm)2.15 Eur without VAT
(2.60 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 202 x 52 mm.
Code: 2123 200x100
Plastic box type 2123 (35 x 202 x 102 mm)4.20 Eur without VAT
(5.08 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 202 x 102 mm.
Code: 2129 250x50
Plastic box type 2129 (35 x 252 x 52 mm)2.37 Eur without VAT
(2.87 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 252 x 52 mm.
Code: 2130 250x100
Plastic box type 2130 (35 x 252 x 102 mm)4.87 Eur without VAT
(5.89 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimensions 35 x 252 x 102 mm.
Code: 2136 300x50
Plastic box type 2136 (35 x 302 x 52 mm)2.64 Eur without VAT
(3.19 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 302 x 52 mm.
Code: 2137 350x50
Plastic box type 2137 (35 x 352 x 52 mm)2.91 Eur without VAT
(3.52 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 352 x 52 mm.
Code: 2139 600x100
Plastic box type 2139 (35 x 602 x 102 mm)8.67 Eur without VAT
(10.49 Eur with VAT)
The box is used to organize storage space in drawers, on shelves and on work surfaces. The individual boxes can be connected as a kit using dovetail joints into any assembly. They can be combined with each other, but also with boxes. To store sensitive devices or components, you can put a lining on the bottom of the box. Dimension 35 x 602 x 102 mm. Color red RAL 3020.
Krabičky tvoří významnou součást stavebnicového systému boxů.
Slouží k řádnému a přehlednému ukládání nástrojů, nářadí, měřidel, materiálu, drobných součástí a různých pomůcek. Poskytnou vám praktickou pomoc při uspořádávání vašich pracovišť, skladů, domacích dílen, kanceláří, regálů v obchodech a na mnoha dalších místech.
Jednotlivé krabičky je možno spojovat jako stavebnici pomocí rybinového drážkování do libovolných sestav. Mohou se kombinovat mezi sebou navzájem, ale i s boxy, panely a rozšiřujícícmi prvky.
Krabičky se vyrábějí ve dvou různých výškách (35mm a 70mm) z materiálu ABS v červené (RAL 3020) nebo v modré barvě (RAL 5015). Vyznačují se vysokou tuhostí a zaoblenými hranami i kouty úložného prostoru.
Přepážky slouží k rozdělení prostoru v krabičkách. Existují ve třech různých velikostech, které odpovídají třem různým průřezům krabiček.
Využití přepážek značně zvyšuje přizpůsobivost uspořádání vašich zásuvek a pracovišť.
Zvláštní skupinu této výseče systému tvoří krabičky pro ukládání měřidel (především posuvných měřidel a mikrometrů). Společně s měřidlem je možné na stejné místo uložit i jeho příslušenství, psací potřeby, rýsovací jehlu a podobně.
Plocha pro uložení měřidla je vyložena měkkým podkladem v černé barvě, aby manipulace s měřidlem byla co nejšetrnější. Velmi užitečnou vlastností těchto krabiček je dostatek prostoru i pro mikromtery s plně vytočeným šroubem (tedy v jejich maximální velikosti), což přináší časovou úsporu při užívání měřidel.
Systém boxů samozřejmě také umožňuje uložit měřící prostředky a jiné citlivé přístoje v klasických krabičkách s výstelkami.
Hlavním přínosem vodorovného ukládání nástrojů je úspora prostoru (ve srovnání s vertikálním ukládáním) a výborná přehlednost.
Kombinace krabiček a lůžekV systému boxů jsou pro vodorovné ukládání určena Lůžka a klasické krabičky. Jejich použití je velmi šetrné k nástrojům a jejich koncepce nabízí vysokou přizpůsobivost požadavkům uživatele.
Vyjímání nástrojů je velmi elegantní. Stačí palcem mírně zatlačit na stopku nástroje, čímž se jeho řezná část vyhoupne vzhůru a to umožní snadné uchopení do ruky.
Systém obsahuje dva základní druhy Lůžek – koncová a průběžná. Koncová lůžka vymezují začátek a konec úložných dutin. Průběžná slouží k jejich prodloužení na potřebnou velikost. Mezi dvě koncová lůžka umístěte tolik průběžných, kolik je potřeba k tomu, aby se nástroje do dutiny vešly.
Lůžka se zasouvají do vnitřních drážek v krabičkách. Vyrábějí se v několika velikostech s průměry dutin 4, 6, 8 a 10 mm přičemž se například Lůžko D6 používá pro nástroje o průměru větším než 4 mm až do průměru 6 mm. Tato zásada platí analogicky i u ostatních velikostí lůžek.